I have begun to send Email messages to some good friends, inviting you to follow me while I am in India. I will be writing "posts" on this "blog", Indian Odyssey, as often as I can.
If you sign up in the right hand column through "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" then whenever I put a post on Indian Odyssey you will receive an Email notifying you, with a link to that post.
See if you can send a comment to this post by clicking comments at the bottom of this message block. This will be a public message to all who are following this blog. You can "comment as" anonymous if you don't have any of the other accounts.
If you want to send me a private message go to the Contact tab and open the link to my e-mail address.
This is how I will keep in touch with friends while I am in India. Join me.
If you sign up in the right hand column through "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" then whenever I put a post on Indian Odyssey you will receive an Email notifying you, with a link to that post.
See if you can send a comment to this post by clicking comments at the bottom of this message block. This will be a public message to all who are following this blog. You can "comment as" anonymous if you don't have any of the other accounts.
If you want to send me a private message go to the Contact tab and open the link to my e-mail address.
This is how I will keep in touch with friends while I am in India. Join me.