Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Growing Calmness

This morning I am aware of a growing sense of calmness inside of me. I am feeling more relaxed and trusting and open to the care that people are showing towards me. I am more patient and accepting of the limits of what I am able to at the school. When I walk around the school grounds, students crowd around me and want to say hello and shake my hand. At first I felt overwhelmed by this attention, and was not able to feel comfortable with it. But now I think that the time I take to greet them may be the most important thing I do here.
Yesterday I walked home for the first time from Machani Somappa School to the Machani house, where I am living. It was a 30 minute walk through the busy center of the town. I usually have a driver take me wherever I go. I think this walk helped to ground me and relax me and affirm the confidence that I can bring to being in this space.
Here are some pictures of the school grounds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martin,

    I was touched by your post. I have found in my travels, that it is very important for me to get out and walk around to "get grounded" - physically and spiritually. Also the Asian sense of space and touching can be overwhelming. I am glad to hear you are adjusting. It will make your stay much more comfortable and meaningful.

    Best regards,
