Saturday, November 12, 2011

While I am in India

I have begun to send Email messages to some good friends, inviting you to follow me while I am in India. I will be writing "posts" on this "blog", Indian Odyssey, as often as I can.

If you sign up in the right hand column  through "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" then whenever I put a post on Indian Odyssey you will receive an Email notifying you, with a link to that post.

See if you can send a comment to this post by clicking comments at the bottom of this message block. This will be a public message to all who are following this blog. You can "comment as" anonymous if you don't have any of the other accounts.

If you want to send me a private message go to the Contact tab and open the link to my e-mail address.

This is how I will keep in touch with friends while I am in India. Join me.



  1. I really like the pictures of your students.

  2. Martin, thank you for sharing your adventure with me through the blog, it is going to be much fun to follow along with you in this way. I hope you get to experience the traditional Carnatic tradition Indian music which is just wonderful, as is the food in Southern India.

  3. Thank you, Martin, for taking me along in your bag. I've always wanted someone to do that. Have a great trip!

  4. Nice photo, Martin. Have a great time! I look forward to hearing all about your experience. Jane D.

  5. Have a great trip Martin.
    We will be looking for some great stories.
    Sofia &John

  6. Yay! I got your test and me thinks I passed! So this means I will be traveling along with you to India! YAY yay YAY! Have a great trip Martin and know that I am following you. Susan M

  7. Bon Voyage Martin.

    Sorry I missed you last night.

    Can't wait for your first report.

